Chicken Roast


Chicken 1 1/2 k.g clean and cut into 8 pieces.
Youghurt 1 cup
Lemon 3
Ginger/galic paste 1 tbsp
Black pepper 1 tbsp
Salt To taste.
Oil 2cups


Beat youghurt, add Ginger/Garlic paste,
salt and combine with chicken in a pan.
Put the pan on low heat and cook.
Turn off the heat when almost dry.
remove chicken from pan . Set the pan aside.
Heat oil in a frying pan and fry chicken
pieces till golden brown.
Put the chicken pieces back in the pan
that was set aside and sprinkle the
crushed black pepper on it.
Pour lemon juice on the chicken cover and
leave the pan on a tawa on low heat for 10 minutes.
Ready to serve, hot

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