Moghlai Shami Kababs

Minced mutton or leaf 1 lb 
Gram masala 1 dessertspoon 
Gram flour 1 tbsp
Onions 2
Eggs 3
Ground turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Chopped green chillies 3-4
Lemon juice to taste
Green ginger 1/2 tsp chopped
Garlic 2 small pods
Salt to taste
Fry all the spices and 1 chopped onion
lightly in the ghee for 3-4 minutes.
Add the finely minced meat and cook for

10 minutes with the pan uncovered.
Add gram flour, salt and lemon juice

Turn the mixture out to cool, then grind
or pound it to a fine paste.
Hard boil eggs and dice into small pieces.
Chop second onion into fine pieces.
Shape the meat in round cutlets with a

mixture of onion and egg in the center or
each cutlet fry in hot ghee till brown.
Serve with onion rings and sliced lemon.

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